Here is the statement from the Festinho organisers 

It is with heavy hearts that we have to announce this year’s Festinho has been cancelled.  While ticket sales have been good, we have not been able to secure a sufficient level of sponsorship to cover all of our costs. Over the last few days, weeks and months, we have tried our very best to ensure that the festival goes ahead, but to no avail.

We have nothing but undying gratitude to all of you who have helped us this year; you’re all superstars, and true heroes in our eyes. 

For those of you with tickets bought through WeGotTickets or Ticketline, you will receive an automatic refund for this year’s Hinwick House event.

If you have any questions, please email us on [email protected] and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.

But fear not! We are already discussing plans for Festinho 2012. We’re not stopping, we’re just having a much needed rest in order to make sure we can come back next year and bring you all the fun and frolics you deserve, and of course, to keep our core reason for existing – raising money for charity.

So keep your eyes peeled on our website, your inboxes and our Facebook page for more news. Who knows, we may even be able to invite you to all sorts of other fun in the meantime…

With much love, respect and thanks,
Team Festinho.  xx