Hi all

Worcester Music Festival is over for another year so while we take down the banners and pack away the equipment, please read on for the post-festival newsletter.

The festival is organised by a small committee of volunteers, aided by a pool of willing helpers so BIG love to them. But it would not be possible without the fantastic promoters who chose the bands, organised the running order, shouted about their gigs and generally supported the festival. Also, we must thank the artists themselves, all of whom played and gave their time for free.

Likewise, we could not survive without the generosity of our sponsors or the never ending support of our venues. It means a lot to us and allows us to continue to support and encourage live, original music. And we love being part of Worcester Festival which continues until Monday so do check out the activities still to take place by visiting their website at www.worcesterfestival.co.uk

So big thanks to everyone we've mentioned here and thanks to you if you came along to any workshops or shows. This is a community festival and we could not continue it without each and every one of you.

So now that the festival is over, we want to know what you got up to!  You can share photos of the weekend in our gallery or if you’re particularly happy with them, you can enter them in to our Photo Competition.  For details of how to do this, please visit: www.worcestermusicfestival.co.uk/info/photocompetition

Next year the festival will be held from 17th-19th August so watch this space for more news nearer the time. In the meantime, we hope you'll keep supporting live music in Worcester and beyond.

Love from,

The Worcester Music Festival Committee x